Match #1
Winner (And Still Champion) (07:37) ANTONIO CESARO Pin
Match #2
Last Man Standing W.W.E. World Heavyweight
Winner (And Still Champion) (16:58) ALBERTO DEL RIO Referee 10-Count
Match #3
Winner (And Still Champion) (09:24) DANIEL BRYAN, KANE Submission - Bryan over Sandow
Match #4
#1 Contender - W.W.E. Championship W.W.E. Royal Rumble
Dolph Ziggler
[2] (49:46)
Chris Jericho
[2] (47:52)
Cody Rhodes
[4] (27:28)
Kofi Kingston
[2] (21:06)
Santino Marella
Drew McIntyre
Titus O'Neil
David Otunga
[1] (04:04)
Heath Slater
[1] (15:35)
[4] (37:14)
Brodus Clay
Rey Mysterio
Darren Young
[1] (02:40)
Bo Dallas
[1] (21:32)
The Godfather
Wade Barrett
[1] (17:09)
John Cena
[4] (26:10)
Damien Sandow
Daniel Bryan
[2] (06:41)
Antonio Cesaro
[1] (07:34)
The Great Khali
[1] (01:30)
Zack Ryder
Randy Orton
[1] (10:10)
Jinder Mahal
The Miz
Sin Cara
[5] (08:50)
Winner (55:05) JOHN CENA Elimination Order:
Marella via Rhodes
McIntyre via Jericho
O'Neil via Sheamus
Otunga via Sheamus
Goldust via Rhodes
Clay via Jericho, Rhodes, Young, Slater & Sheamus
Tensai via Kingston
Young via Kingston
Kingston via Rhodes
Godfather via Ziggler
Slater via Cena
Rhodes via Cena
Mysterio via Barrett
Khali via Bryan & Kane
Kane via Bryan
Bryan via Cesaro & Kane
Ryder via Orton
Cesaro via Cena
Mahal via Sheamus
Barrett via Dallas
Dallas via Cara & Barrett
Sandow via Ryback
Cara via Ryback
Miz via Ryback
Jericho via Ziggler
Orton via Ryback
Ziggler via Sheamus
Sheamus via Ryback
Ryback via Cena
Match #5
The Shield Banned from Ringside W.W.E. Championship
Winner (And NEW Champion) (26:39) THE ROCK Pin