Match #1
#1 Contender W.W.E. Diva's
No Contest (09:50) Double Pinfall
Match #2
Winner (01:03) THE MIZ Pin
Match #3
Winner (05:04) RUSEV, SHEAMUS Pinfall, Rusev over Kalisto
Match #4
Winner (02:25) RYBACK Pin
Match #5
Winner (08:58) A.J. STYLES, CHRIS JERICHO Submission, Jericho over Kofi
Match #6
Winner (02:13) BUBBA RAY DUDLEY Pin
Match #7
Winner (02:40) THE BIG SHOW Count-Out
Match #8
Winner (04:08) NAOMI Submission
Match #9
Winner (09:10) DEAN AMBROSE Disqualification,
Interference by League of Nations