Match #1
Winner (And NEW Champion) (14:50) EDDIE GUERRERO, REY MYSTERIO Pinfall, Guerrero over Doug
Match #2
Winner (06:49) BOOKER T Disqualification,
use of foreign object (chair)
Match #3
Cruiserweight Open Gauntlet W.W.E. Cruiserweight
Winner (And NEW Champion) (09:43) CHAVO GUERRERO Pinfall, London over Funaki (01:37),
Pinfall, London over Spike (01:56),
Pinfall, London over Moore (03:35),
Pinfall, London over Akio (07:03),
Pinfall, Guerrero over London
Match #4
Winner (11:44) THE UNDERTAKER Pin
Match #5
#1 Contender Tournament Final W.W.E. Championship
Winner (19:22) JOHN CENA Pin
Match #6
Barbed Wire Steel Cage W.W.E. Championship
Winner (And Still Champion) (15:11) J.B.L. Escape from the cage