2013-03-04 8
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Match #1
Winner RYBACK Pin
Match #2
Match #3
Winner THE MIZ Submission
Match #4
Winner HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN Disqualification,
after Swagger hits Duggan
with a 2x4
Match #5
Winner DANIEL BRYAN, KANE Pinfall, Kane over Young
Match #6
Winner BRODUS CLAY, TENSAI Pinfall, Tensai over McIntyre
Match #7
Champion vs. Champion
Winner ALBERTO DEL RIO Submission
Match #8
Winner BILLY GUNN, ROAD DOGG Pinfall, Gunn over Primo
Match #9
Fatal 4-Way
Winner Faces Undertaker at Wrestlemania
Winner C.M. PUNK Pinfall, Punk over Orton