Match #1
Winner (And Still Champion) (09:38) CHRIS JERICHO Pin
Match #2
Winner (And Still Champion) (03:25) TOMMY DREAMER Pin
Match #3
Vacant Championship - Fatal-4-Way W.W.E. Championship
Winner (And NEW Champion) (11:09) RANDY ORTON Pin - Orton over Big Show
Match #4
Winner (02:50) MICKIE JAMES Pin
Match #5
Triple Threat W.W.E. World Heavyweight
Winner (And Still Champion) (15:38) C.M. PUNK Pin - Punk over Edge
Match #6
Tag Team
Winner (02:23) CARLITO, PRIMO DQ - Interference by Dibiase & Rhodes
Match #7
#1 Contender - Battle Royal W.W.E. Championship
Cody Rhodes
[3] (15:10)
John Cena
[3] (16:40)
Kofi Kingston
Matt Hardy
Ted Dibiase
[3] (14:51)
The Big Show
[2] (04:21)
The Miz
Triple H
[4] (16:40)
William Regal
Winner (16:40) TRIPLE H Elimination Order:
Hardy by Big Show
M.V.P. by Big Show
Big Show by DiBiase, Cena, Triple H, Kingston, Regal & Rhodes
Kofi by Rhodes & DiBiase
Regal by Rhodes & DiBiase
DiBiase by Cena
Rhodes by Triple H
Miz by Cena & Triple H
Cena by Triple H